Just read this from a blog on quilter blogs.com.
Two inspiring sentences from inside the wrapper
of Dove chocolate:
Keep believing in yourself and your special dreams!
Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can!
以上這兩句話不是超勵志的嗎? 正是我需要的,如果你恰巧經過
就當做是一份小禮物吧 ^^
They're exactly what I need to hear, too, as the We Love Quilting (the original blogger) put it. I love especially the second sentence.
By the way, I'm about to finish my folded rose bag.
I'll post it as soon as I am finished.
2009年9月22日 星期二
2009年9月12日 星期六
摺布包 Folded Roses
過程頗漫長的 真的很需要耐心
I'm making a rose bag for my birthday. A sneak peak:

以下是摺的方法 Here's how to fold the fabric to make roses:
1. 剪15cm*15cm 布片,已含縫份 (Cut 6*6 inches of fabric, seams are included.)
2. 在布正面四邊上各作中心點,並在其左右各2cm處作記號(On right side of the fabric, mark center points on each edge. From the center point, mark four other points which are 0.8" and 1.6" away from it, on both right and left sides.)

3. 照著記號點,依以下圖示摺出三摺,摺好之後縫幾針固定. (Following the marks, fold the fabric as the picture shows. Then stitch to secure the folds.)

4. 完成水平邊之後,再以同樣方法摺垂直邊(Upon finishing the horizontal folds, repeat the above folds and finish the vertical direction.)

建議如圖先燙好摺痕再摺比較整齊.摺好之後就會出現如右上方的圖.再以順時針或逆時針的方向將花"打開",縫幾針固定就行了. (I'd recommend ironing the crease first before folding, so the folds will be straight. After we finish both sides, we get a square with a "bud" in the center. To make roses, we "open up" the "bud" by twisting the center folded part either clockwise or counterclockwise. When you have a satisfactory rose, make a few stitches to secure it.)

It's better to stitch together the squares before opening them up, so we get to align and stitch them more easily.)
過程頗漫長的 真的很需要耐心
I'm making a rose bag for my birthday. A sneak peak:
以下是摺的方法 Here's how to fold the fabric to make roses:
1. 剪15cm*15cm 布片,已含縫份 (Cut 6*6 inches of fabric, seams are included.)
2. 在布正面四邊上各作中心點,並在其左右各2cm處作記號(On right side of the fabric, mark center points on each edge. From the center point, mark four other points which are 0.8" and 1.6" away from it, on both right and left sides.)
3. 照著記號點,依以下圖示摺出三摺,摺好之後縫幾針固定. (Following the marks, fold the fabric as the picture shows. Then stitch to secure the folds.)
4. 完成水平邊之後,再以同樣方法摺垂直邊(Upon finishing the horizontal folds, repeat the above folds and finish the vertical direction.)
建議如圖先燙好摺痕再摺比較整齊.摺好之後就會出現如右上方的圖.再以順時針或逆時針的方向將花"打開",縫幾針固定就行了. (I'd recommend ironing the crease first before folding, so the folds will be straight. After we finish both sides, we get a square with a "bud" in the center. To make roses, we "open up" the "bud" by twisting the center folded part either clockwise or counterclockwise. When you have a satisfactory rose, make a few stitches to secure it.)
It's better to stitch together the squares before opening them up, so we get to align and stitch them more easily.)
標籤:quilting, bags, teddy bears, quilts
2009年9月11日 星期五
Where did we begin?

**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
As for quilting, I started out making patchwork bags and purses since they were the dominant type of quitling projects in Taiwan. Fewer people started out with quilts. (That is so different from the west. Seems to me that everybody makes quilts.) I did not have time for classes, so I shopped online for a bag material package which came in with picutre tutorial. I began without even knowing how to make paper templates or the need for ironing after stitching. Also I had no idea for hand quilting, so I used back stitch instead of running stitch all the way~ Without knowing how, perhaps it was the love for my Mom that sustained me (Yes, the bag was made for her.), I finished the bag in 7 days, in 2008. Now my Mom carries the bag whenever she goes out on her scooter. Here is the picture:
Later, I found out about quilter's blog and was very much inspired by quilting experts and their quilts. I wanted to make one for myself. I bought a Janome J820, a machine for beginners. I surfed the Internet for details and techniques of hand quilting, creating mitered corner, making bias strips, and so on. I also bought my first patchwork book, copied the pattern and made my very first quilt. The fabrics were machine stitched together, but hand quilted. It was a simple quilt but took me more than 6 months to finish because I was indecisive about the size and color arrangement.
I've been quilting for some one year now. And I've made various projects as gifts for my family and friends. I regard quilting as a great source of alacrity and confidence, both for the maker and receiver. And sometimes it is also a way for me to run away from the reality. : p
What I want to do next is free motion quilting. And my primary choice of learning is still through the Internet and books. Alright, that's as much as I have to tell. Thank you for taking your time to read my story and I look forward to be inspired by many more quilters.
What I want to do next is free motion quilting. And my primary choice of learning is still through the Internet and books. Alright, that's as much as I have to tell. Thank you for taking your time to read my story and I look forward to be inspired by many more quilters.
標籤:quilting, bags, teddy bears, quilts
teddy bear
2009年9月8日 星期二
給好友的泰迪熊 Teddy for a dear friend
所以除了穿針以外 我實在沒什麼縫紉基礎
它叫作阿飛 是去年給我一個好朋友的聖誕禮物
I actually started sewing from doing teddy bears when I was in college.
Before that, I don't even know how to tie a knot on a thread.
But somehow those cute bears grow on me and I can't stop making them.
This teddy bear I made for a dear friend last Christmas.
Yes, here in Taiwan, we also celebrate Christmas.
Unlike Americans, we don't have family reunions on Christmas, though.
My friend really loved it and that recouped all the time and money devoted.
標籤:quilting, bags, teddy bears, quilts
teddy bear
歡迎來到野人拼布玩 Welcome to Ac-quilt-sition
開版成功! 這是屬於我的小小拼布園地
之所以取名叫野人 是因為目前我沒上過任何正式的拼布課程
從此 就一頭栽進了這個世界
目前 我一點都不專業
從今天開始 我將不定時分享自己的作品
廢話不再多說 開版囉!!! 砰砰砰~~~(放鞭砲)
English version:
This is not an exact translation from the above Chinese.
So please do not try to learn Chinese in this way.
I'm writing in English so that more people will be able
to read my blog. I'm a green quilter, haven't been to any
formal patchwork/quilting lessons.
My teachers are books and the Internet, especially Expert Village, now moving to eHOW. That's part of the reason I'm starting this bilingual, quilting-related blog. I was also much inspired by Quilter's blogs. That is another reason for writing in English. As a feedback, maybe?
Like other quilters, I will upload my projects whenever I have them.
Happy opening!
之所以取名叫野人 是因為目前我沒上過任何正式的拼布課程
從此 就一頭栽進了這個世界
目前 我一點都不專業
從今天開始 我將不定時分享自己的作品
廢話不再多說 開版囉!!! 砰砰砰~~~(放鞭砲)
English version:
This is not an exact translation from the above Chinese.
So please do not try to learn Chinese in this way.
I'm writing in English so that more people will be able
to read my blog. I'm a green quilter, haven't been to any
formal patchwork/quilting lessons.
My teachers are books and the Internet, especially Expert Village, now moving to eHOW. That's part of the reason I'm starting this bilingual, quilting-related blog. I was also much inspired by Quilter's blogs. That is another reason for writing in English. As a feedback, maybe?
Like other quilters, I will upload my projects whenever I have them.
Happy opening!
標籤:quilting, bags, teddy bears, quilts
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