It's been more than one year
since I picked up quilting. And finally I bought
essential presser feet yesterday.
均勻壓布腳(日製): A Walking foot:
自由曲線壓腳(台製) A darning/free motion foot
These are the screw-on type of feet.
Below is how to remove the foot holder to attach a walking foot:
1. 把針和壓腳抬起,壓腳卸下
remove the latter.)
2. 把螺絲逆時針轉開,卸下腳脛
(Loosen the screw to remove the foot holder.)
3. 將均勻壓布腳中間部份卡在螺絲跟柱子中間,這時控制桿會自然落在鎖針的黑色螺絲鉗上,再把螺絲順時針鎖緊即可.(Attach the walking foot to the presser bar with the lever on the needle clamp, and secure it with the screw.)
I'm not sure what it's for exactly. Maybe with the guide we don't need to draw quilting lines in advance?)

(Do the same thing to attach the free motion foot.)
The feed dog is to be lowered while using the darning foot.
The feed dog is to be lowered while using the darning foot.
I have a short video for how to lower the feed dog.
(Odd enough that it's not on my machine manual.
I learned this from the foot seller. The video isn't bilingual, though :p
I look forward to using the walking foot to finish my rose bag.
Next week I'll definitely post it on here.
But not today, because it's Moon Festival.
We're having a family feast tonight. ^^*