The making of this pin cushion, which needs only two log cabin blocks, is easier than it looked.
I used the scraps from previous sewing projects.
I think the color is interesting after they're all bound together.
There is no wulnut shells in Taiwan, I suppose.
So I used red beans to create some weight.
This hen cushion will go a long way along my sewing table.
One reason that quilting appeals to me is the moment when
I turn the fabrics right sides out, I see the perfect
look on the outside...the "ah-ha" moment transforms
previous mechanical works into sheer delight.
I applied some machine sewing techniques that I learned on Quilter's TV.
Literally I think watching the programs is better than going to sewing classes!
I'm really happy to learn abuot the site.
顏色需要調整一下 基本上是一邊深 一邊淺 或不同色系
我用的是手邊的碎布 因此很配色很隨興
如果能更單純化 效果應該會更好
做完兩塊小木屋之後 就夾上嘴巴和雞冠 留一個返口
還有夾雞冠的那一邊垂直(沒有夾嘴巴)的一邊 壓扁使兩端變成中間點
再車夾上三角形的尾巴 從返口翻出來之後
塞入豆子和棉花 使有一定的重量 以對針縫縫合返口 就行囉!
因為我是第一次做 沒有心情和時間照相
之後如果有再作第二隻 再放製作過程照片
Love that chicken! I'd love to have one myself to hang out on my sewing table with me.